
Original Site

This is the original front page that i had up, its ok, but took a while to load and sometime the pictures disapeared!

so ive ditched it to the back, and thought id just keep it, cos i still like it!


Wat to help me out?? well if youve got this far in my site your obviously interested! well why not copy one of these images (just right click it and click save as) then attach it to emails, auctions or even you own site!

if you put my banner on your site (and its a good site) i may even give you a lens...

Hi, this bit is just here to help with my search engine ranking, please ignore.. its not interesting.. instructions to build your own 100 inch TV projector, pictures, FAQ, order the lens online and more... FREE PLANS massive home cinema, a 100 inchtv projector! You could have a bstv (that’s a big screen tv) link it to your video! Have a real home cinema! I sell the projection lens you need. lens and show you how to build it! Build how to? To to get tot he plans just follow my instructions . instructions for the big screen are very big. You will need a screen to project on to and a fresnel lens to focus and show it. Fresnel projection television !,make electronicshome made created movie movies screen. We are based in UK united kingdom England London home cinema. Diy massive!,its free to project in widescreen as wide as you want. Its hdtv that’s high definition. Delivery of this massive madness is easy.faq is avalible, magnifying on your wall a tv. This would be great as a science fair project. science fair. big screen tv. peojection tv thats 100 inch! tv,dvd burner,projection tv,description Free instructions to build your own 100 inch TV projector, pictures, FAQ, order the lens online and more... FREE PLANS massive home cinema tv plans. 100inch television lens to make tv projector sold here. Electronic, electronics, big screen lenses! Fresnal fresnel or what every you want to say.. . they are here! Free instructions to build your own 100 inch TV projector, pictures, FAQ, order the lens online and more... FREE PLANS massive home cinema. 100inch television lens to make tv projector sold here. Electronic, electronics, big screen lenses Fresnal fresnel 100 its only inches big.. tv you own free projector bstv free!video lens? Yes! Build? how to? Its here witht he free plans! Plans and instructions! Free project widescreen! Yes that’s wide, in hdtv, (high definition television) delivery can be sorted out for your massive madness! Many faq about this magnifying on wall tv! It could be a science fair projectyou’re your into science fairs. I just like big screen tv peojection. Tv 100 inches is massive! Tv dvd burner? Never! projection tv, now that’s where its at! Flat, flat screen fresnel magnify lens is what we sell cheep or free. Lenses for you tv projector alternativly known as big screen tv are fre! Fresnal no electronics or parts needed!